11 KV and above Feeder Analysis, Planning of Transmission & Distribution System
M-DLS (Distribution Line Simulation) software addresses common concerns of Electric Utility Engineers, Regulators and various stakeholders in planning, estimation and operation of infrastructure.
M-DLS software shall be used extensively since it
- Offers capabilities that support the design and analysis of distribution system.
- Provides the user with the technical benefits of these technologies to better guide the selection of best business practices and future investments.
M-DLS Simulation Software:
- Estimates 11kV Feeder Loss, Distribution Transformer loss and LT line loss for any given scenario.
- It will help to check the Voltage condition at different nodes of the feeder.
- It generates Automatic Single Line Diagram of 11 KV Network based on Node to Node, Transformer, Load and Conductor data with a minimum effort.
- Simulation Software is so sophisticated and expedient that it estimates Branch Wise Loss levels and Node wise Voltage Regulation.
- M-DLS software is unique in its kind of power distribution system simulation and analysis tool that provides valuable information to engineer who design and operate distribution system.
- It incorporates advanced modeling techniques with high-performance algorithms to deliver the latest end-use load modeling technology.
Historically, the inability to effectively assess and evaluate based on certain “thumb rule” or approximation has been a barrier to plan accurately.
M-DLS software is designed to address those problems.
M-DLS will be mainly helpful to Electric Utility to keep its capital and operating costs of infrastructure to a minimum by optimization through techno-commercial analysis.
Conducting a load flow study of the network using multiple scenarios helps utilities to ensure that the power system is adequately designed to satisfy the performance criteria.